Selasa, 22 Juli 2008

CD Dewa Budjana-Home

Album Home

Tahun 2005
Sony Music Entertainment Indonesia
Manufactured by PT. Sony Music Indonesia

01 Temple Island
02 On The Way Home
03 Lost Paradise
04 Malacca Bay
05 Dreamland
06 Dancing Tears
07 Bunga yang Hilang
08 Devananda

Home is where the heart is, some say. For others, it is where the hurt is. But be it the source of joy or pain, each of us must long for a familiar place, a place to go back to …a sanctuary.

Many have lost that very place, like our brothers and sisters, the victims of tsunami. Others’ homes continue to be hit by savage attacks, including the recent tragedy in my hometown Bali.

This record aims at uttering my deepest sorrow and compassion. I hope time can heal our wounds, and we can finally find our way home. Home in the harmony with nature, and home in the world without hatred and sheer bigotry.

Executive producer : SONY BMG music ent. Indonesia
Producer : db
All Songs composed/arranged and edited by : db
Manager : Dhani Pette for Post entertainment
US Musicians Coordinator : Peter & Mutzy Erskine
Peter Erskine appears Courtesy of Fuzzy Music
Engineered by
- db
- Kraig Zarkoz (Puck Std , Santa Monica)

Live recorded on May 19th 2005 , for track (Temple Island/Bunga Yg Hilang/Dreamland/Lost Paradise)
- Rich Breen (Puck Std , Santa Monica)

Overdub on August 18th 2005 , for track (Dancing Tears/Malaka Bay/On The way Home)
- Deny (Pregine Std , Bali)

Overdub Gangsa
Mixed by : Stephan Santoso at Slingshot Studio
Mastered by : Khoe Hok Laij at Slingshot Studio
Cover Concept , Art and Design : Dedidude

4 komentar:

nto ' mengatakan...

2005 ya?
btw Album yang GItarku gak salah taun 2007?

Danang Suryono mengatakan...

iya home album 2005, gitarku 2007
Saya lom dapet yg Nusa Damai

nto ' mengatakan...

ah beneran 2007 gitu? hehehe.. kok saya gak yakin ya? nanti di rumah cek ah :D
Nusa Damai saya ada tapi kaset... susah juga sekarang carinya mas..

Danang Suryono mengatakan...

saya nyari di DS, Musik + dan Aquarius Mahakam gak ketemu,
Info bro wizzard ada di Aquarius PI. Ntar sabtu mo kesana.......